Sunday, 27 January 2008

Mona Lisa Museum Pass turns 20

En Juin 2008, le Paris Museum Pass fêtera son 20e anniversaire ... it's no wonder that this particular tourist pass - first sold in 1988 - is still going strong.

Time spent queuing up for numerous galleries and musuems will take up valuable snogging/shopping/vin rouge swilling time during a city break in the French capital. So before parting with those euros for un sandwich au jambon, you're first purchase should be the Paris Musueum Pass.

Organising a suprise romantic weekender? Buy your passes in advance - click here - to have your beau falling into bed at the end of the day's sightseeing, amazed at your sauve city-savvy.

Good for 2, 4 or 6 days' culture-vulturing, the Pass will have you queue jumping and bypassing ticket booths at famous cultural must-visits ranging from the Louvre to the Château de Versailles.

Click for complete list

2-day pass costs 30euros
4-days 45euros
6-days 60euros

Paris Museum Pass Official website